Three preachers in a row
Answered the question they couldn't know.
Three sermons back to back
Gave the full answer I thought I lacked.
A visitor comes and a visitor goes.
The church never learns of his or her woes.
But believe me, God knows.
Three churches God would use.
Three pastors Christ would guide.
Three Sundays the Spirit would speak.
Three times a visitor cried.
None ever knew, or ever could learn
Exactly how the Spirit would turn.
None ever knew, directed by the Lord,
How they'd perfectly used the Spirit's sword.
"Please, God, what can I do?
Have I done all I can?"
The loud, simple preacher pounded this:
"Place it in the Lord's hand."
"Please, God, wasn't I right?
Didn't I have clean hands?"
Doctor Eloquent Pastor made his point:
"God defends a righteous man."
"Oh, God, what of my future?
Won't that be in jeopardy, too?"
A loving shepherd read it:
"I know the plans I have for you."
God didn't lead to join.
God didn't lead to stay.
Though He made it very clear
Why He did bring me each way.
Three preachers far apart
All working for the Master.
Moved by God to preach the Word
And give a stranger his answer.
Somehow the lesson spreads
Beyond my problems at that time.
Somehow I think that I was shown
A picture more divine.
Somehow I learned a thing or two
Of how God can work through me.
How many times am I the one
Blindly fulfilling another's need?
"Oh God, I'll let You use me
Whether or not I know.
Please do, I pray. Start today.
Make my account to grow.
Maybe, Lord, I can be just one
Of a stranger's three preachers in a row."
Victor E. Mowery
February 5, 2014