Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tonsillitis, et cetera

Here are some various updates in our lives recently.

First, I think I have tonsillitis.  I have had painful swallowing since about Tuesday evening or so.  It doesn't feel like strep, and I am an expert on how strep feels.  I have no fever or other symptoms.  So I am going to have to put my doctor search in high gear here in this strange city.  Pray, watch for an update here, and send me your favorite ice cream tonsillectomy recovery recipes.

This past Wednesday night we joined the membership of Old Paths Baptist Church.  Our pastor is Edward R. Mast, a forceful and practical Bible expositor.  We love him and his family, along with all the others at OPBC.  The church is experiencing a growth phase lately, both numerically and spiritually.  We are praying for God to put our family to work fruitfully in this body.

We have received several answers to prayer lately, and quite soon after praying.  It is like God is showing us He still answers prayer and He still loves to work in our lives.

For example, I finally decided to go to the doctor about the odd lump on my head, because it started getting painful.  So I began praying about it one night and when I woke up in the morning it had popped like a blister and drained.  This is after 15 months of it just sitting there like a bump on a log...literally in my case, my skull being the hollow or rotten log!  The bump later came up again, filling with more fluid, but at least now I know it is just fluid and not something worse.  Don't worry, I will still show it to the doctor.  I am just overwhelmed with God's care, calming my concern about this immediately after I prayed.

Our lawn mowing solution wasn't getting the job done on our yard's steep hills.  I tried an old fashioned non-power push/reel mower because it was very light weight.  But the ground is too uneven for that.  I spent all evening Monday and Tuesday trying to get the grass cut, but just frustrating myself.  These hills are steeper than they look.  They are the steepest hills I have ever tried to mow, and I spent many summers of my youth pushing a mower around the neighborhood for cash.  The neighbors here told me they wear football cleats to mow the hill.  It is so difficult, I prayed that there was a better way than anything we thought up.

So I went to church Wednesday night prepared to ask a prayer request for God to show us a better solution.  We had considered several options, such as just planting flowers (expensive!) and even a hovercraft mower.  Yes, they really make such a thing; wouldn't that be cool?  Anyway, as soon as I walked in the church door, before I  said anything about mowing, the pastor offered me a walk behind, self propelled mower for free.  It is a four cycle engine with a pressurized pump oil filter designed to run smoothly on hills without losing oil pressure.  It is exactly the solution we needed but didn't know existed.  The self propel removes the weight problem and the engine style removes all other problems.  God answered this prayer before we got around to much asking!

In other news, I have to apply for a federal security clearance for a certain function of my new job.  If you are a relative or if I have known you more than seven years and we still keep in touch (all two of you), you might expect a call from the FBI.  I apologize in advance for the hassle.

Please don't tell them about that one time when we were 14 and we pulled all that crazy stuff that night at that secret meeting (so called "meeting" anyway) over by your cousin's house.  That all started out as your idea in the first place, and your goofball cousin too.  So I don't know why you keep bringing it up like it was all my fault.  Anyway, those guys from that secret meeting (so-called "meeting" anyway) probably forgot about us by now and aren't still looking for us (I hope!).  And I've said it before: Dude, I am sorry about your aunt's Corvette.  Yes that was a sweet ride, but after all, she still won the court case since those guys from the meeting (so called "meeting" anyway) didn't show up to the hearing.  So just play it cool when the FBI calls.

Seriously, if they call just tell them what you know.  That I am an exceedingly wicked sinner, saved by the grace of God, and trying to die to Christ daily and yield up to Him all my rascal ways.  I know you could tell more than that.  Probably a lot more.  A lot more could be told about all of us, and it will certainly all be told in That Day.  But today, what else really matters more than that?


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