Monday, December 15, 2014

Black Lives Matter...When It Matters For the Agenda

Black lives matter... except to other blacks?

In the wake of a few recent media frenzies where black criminals were killed by white police officers, protesters around the country have chanted "BLACK LIVES MATTER." Yes, just as ALL lives matter. However, did the protesters stop to consider the following?

Around 200 black people are killed by American police officers annually, mostly justified. But around 6,000 blacks are killed by other blacks each year. Yes, black lives matter. So let the protesters look in the mirror and chant that to themselves. Let them tell their neighbors and their friends. Who needs to hear it is not the cops, it is those responsible for the majority of black deaths.

Oh, and by the way, police officers' lives also matter. Let's hear that chanted by the minority race whose members are responsible for 43% of the murders of police officers. Next time a cop says he feared for his life and had to shoot, remember that he's probably attended more than a few funerals for slain officers. He's not just saying that as an excuse to shoot somebody (often a black somebody). He knows the reality and danger of police work.

Oh, and while we're at it, black-owned businesses matter too. If black lives matter, then black liveliehoods matter. Chant that a few times before you light your torch, or throw your molotov cocktail, or break a window or loot your neighbor or burn down your hood.

Don't accuse me of being racist regarding the above. If my facts are wrong, show me where. These facts above are straight from the FBI annual report. I didn't make it up.

The fact is, those caught up in these protests have actually become pawns in a broader agenda. To the orchestrators and puppet masters, the only black lives that really matter are the dead victims they can capitalize on and the living puppets they can manipulate to perpetuate their own influence, power and financial gain.

Personally, I'm tired of hearing from them. I could take them more seriously if they were on the streets of Chicago after a weekend of gang murders, talking about black lives mattering. That's not going to happen because that doesn't make for good huckster theater. So they can just shut their hypocrite traps.

Tragedy is no excuse for idiocy. And black lives really DO matter - they matter too much to be reduced to stepping stones on the agenda of intentional ignorance.


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