Sunday, January 11, 2015

Armed Citizen Stops What Police Could Not

Click here for story at KCTV 5
An armed citizen put a stop to what police could not yet stop - a string of armed robberies by four thugs intent on violence and mayhem.

There are two sad facts in this tragic story.  The first, and foremost of course, is that the hero Jon Bieker lost his life protecting his store and the life of his wife.  The second sad fact is that it took an armed gun store owner to stop these heathens - not an armed convenience store owner, an armed customer or an armed bystander.  If more citizens availed themselves of their lawful right to keep and bear arms, these kinds of low-life scumbags wouldn't feel so brazen.

The signal this story sends to other scumbags is, "Don't rob gun stores."  Well duh.  Everybody knows that except these four morons.  A better outcome, not only for this story but for future crime prevention, would have come from the message of "Don't rob convenience stores," if the first robbery they pulled at Fast Stop had ended in their demise, instead of at least their sixth robbery.

Criminals are more brazen than ever.  They are so high on drugs, or so in need of drugs that they don't care what happens.  They are certain that the punishment will not fit the crime and they will get off easy like last time.  They have been raised in a generation that views self as more important than anyone or anything else, so nothing gets in the way of what they want.  And they have lost all feeling or empathy for their fellow human beings.  There are millions of these wild, untamed and untameable animals running loose in the American jungle.  They are in, around and among us, just waiting to strike.

The hands of police, despite their best intentions and tireless sacrifices, are more tied than ever due to political correctness run amuck and the ne'er-do-well idiots in places like Ferguson and New York.  And the court and prison systems are more bogged down than ever before, leaving scumbags out on the streets for long periods of time on bail and parole, where they carry on with the only lifestyle they know: harming others for personal gain.

Did you ever ask yourself, when they are hunting a suspect in the latest felony and they don't even know where he's at, how they can show you his high-resolution close-up photograph on the news?  It's always his mug-shot from the last time they caught him!  Did that every dawn on you?  It's almost every time!  They can't keep him locked up any more, and he is out on the loose looking for his next victim.  Will it be you or your loved one?  There are millions of them out there.

Now, if even a gun store is not safe, then how safe are you at home, in your car, at the grocery store or on the street walking your dog?

It is past time, way past high time, if you do not yet carry a weapon, to get yourself thoroughly trained, get safely and legally armed and then don't leave home without it.  If by God's grace you never have to use it, like most never will, then praise His holy name.  But be certain that your life, your living and your family may very well one day depend upon it.

What's more, society is depending on it.  Your community is depending on it.  This message needs to pick up critical speed and start sounding loud and clear nationwide: Average, every-day Americans are always armed because they care about their communities.

You cannot depend any more on the system.  You cannot count any more on the goodness of your fellow man.  You cannot trust your neighbors or your location to protect you.  You have to start taking responsibility for your own safety.  It needs to become an all-day, every day practice.

Yes, those who belong to God can rely on Him.  But trusting in God for your safety does not absolve you of your own responsibility for it:  "The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD."  Proverbs 21:31.  That is, as one man has put it, "Trust God, and keep your powder dry."

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. - Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 27:12.

If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him.  - Exodus 22:2.

But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.- Matthew 24:43.

When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace - Luke 11:21.

Keep your goods, your health and welfare, and that of your family and your community in PEACE.  Arm yourself.  Do it NOW!


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