Sunday, December 28, 2014
How the New Light Bulbs Save Energy
The Compact Flourescent, which by coincidence also could be abbreviated CFL, was mandated by the government to save energy. They are also supposed to last seven years before they need replacement. Since I haven't seen one yet last even seven lousy months, I know that seven years is a bogus claim. I mean, they came on the market LESS than seven years ago, so you should never have changed one out yet. How many have you changed out? Dozens, like me.
With the seven years claim a dirty lie, I started looking at my utility bill to determine if the energy savings was true or not. However, this turned out to be a bad indicator because energy prices do not stay level. When the utility company doesn't get enough money from us using lots of energy, they raise the rates.
For example, here in Dubuque, the city-owned water utility installed "smart" water meters all over town last year. Residents were conned into allowing this by the promise of lower water usage. When the water usage did in fact decrease, the utility said they had to make up for that by raising the rates. They came right out and said the increase was due to the "smart" meters providing lower consumption rates. I am not making this up, it was in the news yesterday.
So due to this kind of ongoing utility chicanery, comparing the electricity bill will not help determine the energy savings of the CFL bulbs. So I decided to come up with my own explanation of how they save energy.
It is in the popular form of a "top ten list" if you will pardon my unoriginality.
Top Ten Ways the CFL Bulbs Save Energy
10. They don't come on when you turn them on.
It's happened to you. You're in bed in the middle of the night, dreaming about a scene from a Bob Hope / Bing Crosby movie you saw on television forty years ago, when you're awakened by shuffling in the kitchen. You sneak out there and hear voices in the dark. You are certain that when you flick on the light, the sudden surprise will paralyze the burglars with fear, giving you time to take aim and hold them at gunpoint till the cops arrive.
You sneakily flip the switch and yell out, only the light doesn't come on. Your yell has alerted the burglars, who don't "freeze" as you ordered, but instead speedily make their way for the back door while the light slowly rumbles from total darkness to a dim haze over the course of seventeen seconds. By the time the cops get there in fifteen minutes, your bulb is now operating at about sixty-five percent of its potential, giving just enough light to fill out a police report. An hour later as you drink coffee and try to calm down, the light is finally burning in all its true 17 watts of glory.
Yeah, this happened to me like six times just last week. But I am not complaining; I am thinking about all the energy savings.
9. The bulbs don't have Wi-Fi or internet.
You know that's what kills the battery on your phone. You would think talking or listening to MP3 tunes at full volume would sap your battery life, but you can do that forever. Now turn on Wi-Fi though and you're dead in the water before you even finish reading my latest blog post.
The secret to the new bulbs is they are the only new product in the last five years that doesn't have internet access. Hello energy savings, your name is CFL !
8. You can't put them in the trash at home.
Due to the mercury content, these bulbs cannot go in the regular trash. These bulbs were mandated to save the environment. They do that by taking all the harmful mercury out of the earth, and not letting you put it back in via a landfill. Now, if you never read the package or just didn't care, like the 99.6% tiny minority of Americans, you're still throwing them in the trash and polluting the earth with a product the government expects to save earth. But that's the government's problem to solve, right? And you only throw away one every seven years when it burns out, right?
Meanwhile, the 0.4% vast majority of us are keeping the bulbs out of the trash like good little sheeple. So there is energy saved by the garbage truck not having to crush them and haul around all the extra weight. I mean, I have eight or nine of these bulbs burn out every week, especially the G.E. brand. So that's a lot of weight savings for the weekly garbage truck.
Also, you're supposed to take them to a special processing center. Only nobody knows where that's at and the government forgot to tell anybody. What category would you even look under in the yellow pages? Why isn't there a public service announcement on television with a crying Indian telling you where to take your burnt-out bulbs? I think they passed the law for the bulbs and they are going to pass another law after seven years to build the processing center for all the bulbs that should be burning out for the first time right about then.
Since there is no place to take the bulbs, they save you the energy of transporting them there. And since you can't throw them away either, they are stacking up in your house and that is fewer cubic inches you have to heat or cool, so that saves energy. These bulbs are very helpful !
By the way, also taking space in my house, which reduces my heating bill, is a pallet load of the old bulbs I stocked up on while I could still buy them. They are right next to a pallet of R-12 freon, two barrells of leaded gasoline, a case of teflon-coated skillets, a can of DDT and a lifetime supply of REAL sudafed.
7. They make your cat or dog queasy.
Have you noticed your pets don't like to be in the room where a CFL bulb is turned on? It makes them queasy. Which means they eat less, Amen? Yeah, Buddy, you're saving more than just energy, now.
6. They don't work in a dimmer switch.
And since the bulbs that DO work in a dimmer switch are now illegal to manufacture or sell, it means millions of installed light sockets in homes across the land now have no working bulbs. Savings bonus! When you write your check to pay the electric bill, which should now be much lower (or higher), do it in the dark under one of these empty light sockets next time. It will remind you how much energy you're saving.
5. They couldn't even produce a full top ten list.
How much energy will be saved since this blog post is shorter than you expected? When you print and file this post, as you always do (you stalker, you), how much paper, ink and electricity will you save?
There you have it. I'm so happy my government knows how to save energy. I'm glad they're not trying to save any money! That would be a financial disaster. Oh... wait... nevermind.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Black Lives Matter...When It Matters For the Agenda
In the wake of a few recent media frenzies where black criminals were killed by white police officers, protesters around the country have chanted "BLACK LIVES MATTER." Yes, just as ALL lives matter. However, did the protesters stop to consider the following?
Around 200 black people are killed by American police officers annually, mostly justified. But around 6,000 blacks are killed by other blacks each year. Yes, black lives matter. So let the protesters look in the mirror and chant that to themselves. Let them tell their neighbors and their friends. Who needs to hear it is not the cops, it is those responsible for the majority of black deaths.
Oh, and by the way, police officers' lives also matter. Let's hear that chanted by the minority race whose members are responsible for 43% of the murders of police officers. Next time a cop says he feared for his life and had to shoot, remember that he's probably attended more than a few funerals for slain officers. He's not just saying that as an excuse to shoot somebody (often a black somebody). He knows the reality and danger of police work.
Oh, and while we're at it, black-owned businesses matter too. If black lives matter, then black liveliehoods matter. Chant that a few times before you light your torch, or throw your molotov cocktail, or break a window or loot your neighbor or burn down your hood.
Don't accuse me of being racist regarding the above. If my facts are wrong, show me where. These facts above are straight from the FBI annual report. I didn't make it up.
The fact is, those caught up in these protests have actually become pawns in a broader agenda. To the orchestrators and puppet masters, the only black lives that really matter are the dead victims they can capitalize on and the living puppets they can manipulate to perpetuate their own influence, power and financial gain.
Personally, I'm tired of hearing from them. I could take them more seriously if they were on the streets of Chicago after a weekend of gang murders, talking about black lives mattering. That's not going to happen because that doesn't make for good huckster theater. So they can just shut their hypocrite traps.
Tragedy is no excuse for idiocy. And black lives really DO matter - they matter too much to be reduced to stepping stones on the agenda of intentional ignorance.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Acclimated to New Climate
I will need to trade my "Original Dotte" hooded sweatshirt for a "Dubuquer" T-Shirt to wear on cool autumn days.
Where is my snow to shovel, though? I haven't touched the shovel once yet. By this time last year I had already shoveled more snow than I've ever shoveled all the rest of my life combined. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, a white New Year, a white Valentine's Day, a white Easter, a white Memorial Day. That's what last yeat nearly gave me. Where is it?
I don't know if the rest of the family agrees with me on this yet. I may take further steps to help them acclimatize better, starting with turning down the thermostat to maybe 48 or 50 degrees. I will let you know how that turns out.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
When the Word Was Made Flesh - Original Poem
When the Word was Made Flesh
The Son of God became the Son of man.The only begotten of His Father became the firstborn of His mother.
The Ancient of Days became the Dayspring from On High.
The Eternal Lord became a lowly carpenter's ward.
The Author of Joy became the Man of sorrows.
The Master took upon Him the form of a servant.
The Maker of man was made in the likeness of men.
The God of Jacob became the Seed of Abraham.
The Root of Jesse became the Branch of David,
And the Branch of David was made the Vine of Israel.
David's Lord was made David's Son.
The First Cause became the Second Man.
The Lord from Heaven became the Last Adam.
The Alpha and Omega,
The All in One
Became the One for all.
And He did it all
For me...
When the Word was made flesh!
Victor E. Mowery
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Forgiveness is a Funny Thing
Friday, November 7, 2014
Ashamed or Not?
Why would some professing Christians tell the stories of the life they have put behind them? Why do they tell stories that happened when they were drunk or high? Why do they tell fight stories, bar stories, crime stories and more?
These tales might be funny... to someone who forgets "fools make a mock at sin" (Proverbs. 14:19).
They might be entertaining... to the unsaved who we are trying to win to Christ, but not by showing how much "fun" the unsaved life is.
Why do professing Christians tell such stories? I believe the answer is because they are NOT ashamed of them as they ought to be. They have not had their minds renewed (Romans 12:2). They have stopped doing certain things (hopefully), but they haven't come to see them as God sees them.
This is the essence of true confession. The Bible word for "confess" means "to say the same thing." We say the same thing as God does about our sin: "I did it, it was horrible, it stinks, I wish I hadn't done it, it was for sin like that which Christ suffered pain and death and those things contributed to His suffering."
That's what we say about the sins of our past. Not that they were funny or entertaining or amusing or worthy of a story to impress a co-worker or unsaved neighbor. We say they stink and I'm so glad I'm not like that anymore that I have no desire to even remember it, let alone revel in it for your amusement.
God help us to be ashamed enough of our past to walk boldly toward our future: FORGETTING those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Worst Ever
Monday, November 3, 2014
Obama called
Then I saw an interview where she said black people ought to vote for all Democrats regardless of the candidate or their position on the issues. I put two and two together and come to the conclusion she thinks I'm black. She ABSOLUTELY doesn't know me.
Then today I got another call, this time from her husband. I was at work of course, which he would have known if he knew me at all! But I think he is trying to muster the vote among people who don't have jobs and rely on his benevolence. So he left a message urging me to vote for all Democrats.
Of course I am registered with another party so I don't know what they think they will accomplish.
I don't know whether to feel flattered they called, or to feel blessed that they know nothing about me!
In either case, I am anxiously waiting by the phone for their next call, so I can tell them a thing or two. Because they may not know anything about me, but I know more than I want to about them.
Hey Hillary, Obama called. He wants his village idiot back.
Hey Rahm, Obama called. He wants his schemes back.
Hey Holder, Obama called. He wants his credibility back.
Hey America, Obama called. He wants the Senate back. He's not gonna get it this time!!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Time to Wake Up
Calgon, take me away... from my own dreams!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Now Thanksgiving Is Not Tolerated Either
Now it appears that the Thanksgiving holiday is also under attack.
I received a promotional email from a company having specials all week the week of Thanksgiving. But they are not "Thanksgiving Week" specials, they are "Black Friday Week" specials. Not Black Friday specials. Black Friday WEEK specials... the important day that week is the Friday.
You might let this slip by if it were a retail company taking advantage of what has become a day for big discounts. But these specials are not on sale items. The company doesn't sell anything. They pay people for their time. The specials are bonuses in that pay. So this is not simply a retailer that extended Black Friday for the whole week. This kind of company could have picked any holiday and made a week out of it. This makes it especially grievous to me that they called it "Black Friday Week" instead of the other choice they could have made to call that week.
Oh, and get this: the email points out that they "will be closed on Thursday November 27th." I wonder why? It's only the day before Black Friday, and that's nothing special is it? No mention that they will be closed for Thanksgiving Day, just "Thursday November 27th."
I have resisted and boycotted Black Friday for twenty years. I always said it would become the Devil's alternative to Thanksgiving and I didn't want any part of it. Now that Thanksgiving, like Christmas, has apparently become an unmentionable day and not tolerated, what happened?
Black Friday is now the reason for the late November season, not that other day. This email I received is simply part of a trend. In time to come, anything going on around that time will become more and more linked to "Black Friday" than to Thanksgiving. Even the football games on Thanksgiving Day (which I also oppose) will soon be called "The day before Black Friday football games."
This is madness. This has gone too far too fast. A time for giving thanks to God for His sustaining blessings has been turned into the exact opposite: a time for shamelessly spending money you don't have, buying baubles you don't need, from godless Chinese commie slave-labor companies you don't know anything about. And now THAT has become the focal point of the fourth week of November.
It's because somebody might be offended if you suggest they should take a day to be thankful. But nobody will be offended if you suggest they take a day to spend like there's no tomorrow. Nobody will be offended... except us thankful Christans, and we don't count any more.
Have a Happy Black Friday if you can now.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Too blessed to be stressed!
I stopped believing in stress 20 years ago, but some days my faith is really shaken!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Imparting Our Souls
Hardly any church member has even the slightest clue how much the pastor cares for him and wants the right things for him; how much the pastor has a vested personal interest in the member's success in life. The member has no idea how much prayer is covering his daily routine, and how much trouble he has avoided due to his pastor's prayers for him. He has no understanding how his pastor has defended him to others that come in with petty complaints regarding their fellow member, and how many offenses his pastor has deflected from going his direction; how much trouble and drama has failed to reach his ears, but was nipped in the bud by the wisdom of a man watching for his soul. He knows not how much energy his pastor has expended in Bible study to be able to say just the right thing at just the right time; how much the member's own personal problems were studied out by the pastor.
Instead he thinks of his pastor like he thinks of his plumber. He doesn't realize he thinks that way, but most church members do. "The plumber is here to do a job, not too much personal in the job, but he's willing to be my personal friend 'on the side' as well. But if he ever makes a mistake or two in my plumbing, I will call up somebody else." And so with the pastor too it goes.
It works for a plumber, because the plumber only imparts to you his time, talents and energies, in exchange for your money. But your pastor has imparted to you his very soul, expecting nothing tangible in return. That ought to mean a lot more to you when the difficult situation comes.
There might be times for a pastor to resign or a member to leave. But there is never a time to dishonor, disrespect or simply cut off or ignore a man who has willingly and lovingly imparted his soul for the benefit of others. Yet that is exactly how it so often plays out. God forgive us.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Still Not Running
I did not run on Wednesday. I did not run on Thursday. Friday came and went without me running, although I was slightly tempted to trot. But I do not intend to run on Saturday or Sunday.
Hillary can run. But that does not encourage me to run. Whenever Hillary (the red-head around the corner) runs down my street, it just motivates me to close the curtains.
Rand can run. The Rand Corporation runs a lot of interesting stuff on their data processing equipment. But that has nothing to do with a potential run for me.
Christie may be running. He appears to have lost a lot of weight. He may be dieting as well as running. Good for him.
Cruz is just cruising. I don't know if he will end up running or just stay in the car on cruise control. At least his car is running.
Both my cars are also running, in good working order.
Is your refrigerator running? Better go catch it !!!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Some People Who've Mattered to Me
I'll start. Here are some of the many people who once mattered to me, how I am thankful, and what I would like to say to them if I could find them. They were an important part of my life, even if only for a brief time.
Dear Mrs. Terrill - I enjoyed your "Tiny Tots" Sunday School class. I always looked forward to Sundays. I remember I was so excited to get new "Sunday School socks" so that I could look nice sitting on the rug in your front row. I thank you for the time you invested in my mother over the decades and even now take the time to encourage her when she leans on you. I am glad to hear that you and your family are still serving the Lord and that John and Tim are raising faithful families. I think I will get your address from Mom and write to you.
Dear Miss Cochrane - You recognized my memory skills very early on and took a special interest in me. You challenged me and I thank you for it. I didn't memorize Psalm 23 for that bag of marbles but for the challenge you offered. You got to know all of your Sunday School students personally, visiting each one at their home regularly. I remember you taking me to breakfast at McDonald's one Saturday morning and I cherished the Tweety Bird glass, a memento of our visit. Thank you for making me feel like I was talking to someone who was actually interested in what I was saying and who came down to my level. Even if I was just a four-year-old boy babbling about my square-toed cowboy boots and how I was soon going to get a pair of pointy-toed cowboy boots, you rejoiced with me. You made me matter to you, and for that reason you mattered to me.
Dear Mr. Hope - Twenty years after I last saw you, I met a pastor who knew your name and reported that you were still faithful. I thank you for your hard labor in the van ministry and how you made riding with you fun and exciting - not focusing on fun on the van, but rather helping us look forward to the services in God's house. I thank your for your testimony of purity. I remember in my mind picturing you literally "kick the TV out of the house" as you said, because of the trash it showed in the 1970s. I wonder what you think about the trash on now! I remember your constant smile, unashamed of your missing tooth because you had the joy of the Lord.
Dear Mister - I'm sorry I don't know your name. I could find out from Marge, but it doesn't matter now because you have a new name in Heaven and I will see you there. I always enjoyed your music at church. You could've easily had a lucrative music career, but you used your deep, rich voice to honor Jesus instead. What a testimony! You found out I was laid up in the hospital with a skull fracture and you came to visit, play your guitar and pray with me, even though we had not been to church with you in probably over a year. Your thoughtfulness meant so much.
Dear Miss Crockett - Of all your third grade school students, you were hardest on me because you could tell I needed it. Yes, I am still falling far short of my potential, but just a little closer to it thanks to you. I enjoyed our visit a few years ago in the nursing home and I pray for you to recover fully.
Dear Pastor E.S.R. - I wandered along and found you being faithful and mature, right when I needed to know what that looked like. You welcomed me in with all my youthful ignorance and patiently moved me forward by your example and direct application of God's Word. I must've been like a bull in a china shop, but you just moved all the china out of the way and kept me where I wouldn't hurt anything. Thank you so much. You are appreciated in so many ways and by so many people more than you realize. You don't know how many people I've run into that had kind things to say about your ministry to them.
Dear Pastor Gee - I only spoke with you a few times but I remember it fondly and found your counsel wise, helpful and encouraging. I took your advice and God blessed it greatly.
Dear Pastor Basinger - I hope to see you at the conference in Wisconsin some time so I can thank you in person for your hospitality to entertain this stranger and your later counsel and encouragement through a difficult ministry transition. Your testimony of standing strong though it cost you many friends was a life lesson for me. You faced slander and gossip and responded in the Spirit, not the flesh. Though our time together was the briefest of days while I travelled in Florida, you showed me a glimpse of what the faithful shepherd looks like.
Dear church members and ministry friends from the past - I love you dearly and would do anything for you. I owe you all so much and miss each one. I am in the phone book if you need anything or just wish to say Hi. I praise God I don't have to hide from anybody and I hope nobody's hiding from me.
Dear Pastors I knew in 2012 and 2013 - God always used you to say exactly what I needed to hear, exactly when I needed to hear it. You don't know what a blessing you were and how God spoke through you. I hope I adequately expressed that to you when we said our goodbyes before we moved away.
Dear Michael Anthony Hayden - You will be the one exception to my statement that these are people I am no longer in touch with (since we only see each other once or twice a year). I was backslidden and you would be my friend but refused to join me in my sins. I never told you how convicting that was. There were lines I would've crossed, which would've ruined my life, but I didn't cross because of your influence and testimony. You saved my life and my future usefulness in ministry and you don't even know it. You claim I have been a good friend to you in your hardest times for 22 years, but I simply owe you that and much more for our first few years together. I can't explain how God used you in my life and you don't even realize it, just because you were simply being true to your convictions in spite of pressure. God bless you, Buddy!
I am all choked up now and shed enough tears of thanksgiving today, so I'd better stop here.
Victor E. Mowery
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Some Wonderful People Once Mattered to You
I got to thinking about suicide victims I have known of. Yes, I used the word "victim." I will be the last person to succumb to the "cult of vicimization" in our society today; the last man to call a living person a victim or encourage someone to view themselves a victim. But in the case of a suicide I believe the term is warranted, and I don't need to expand on that here, as it is not the point of this post.
Of the suicide victims I am aware of, it seems their life's legacy is defined by how they died. We remember them as the suicide, not as the person who did so many wonderful things in their lifetime. For example, the man I just learned of overcame serious emotional troubles for years to minister to others and bring them godly joy. He wrote several Christian songs I enjoy. But he will be most remembered for his suicide.
What other form of death do we remember this way? Heart attack or stroke victims aren't memorialized in our memories by their sudden death, but by the events of their life. Even with murder or tragic accident victims, though their death is prominent in our minds when we think of them, it is contrasted with their vibrant lives: "She was so full of life." "He was so gentle and didn't deserve to die that way."
Not so with suicide. Certainly this thinking isn't overt. Their funeral service doesn't focus on their suicide. Nor does much of the public conversation around that event. But it is always in our minds first and foremost when we remember them, for the rest of our lives. In our thoughts, their memory never rises above the level of the suicide.
This ought not to be the case, but I believe it is a symptom of the corrupt minds we have as members of a fallen race.
I am thinking of a pastor whom God used to build a large evangelistic church in the midwest that is still going strong many decades later. This church saturated their region with dozens of church plants that are still going strong. This church trained and sent out possibly hundreds of pastors and missionaries and Christian workers on every level. Additionally this pastor was instrumental in greatly encouraging other pastors around the country and even the world, leading a charge of faithfulness that is still reverberating today.
Ten years or so after resigning and repenting of a moral lapse (which was somewhat romantic but non-physical), this grief-stricken man took the sad shortcut to eternity.
Among those who once sat under his ministry, his name is now the unmentionable name. Among those who even today are reaping the fruits he sowed decades ago, his legacy is swept under the rug. It could be due to the moral failings, but I believe it is more due to the suicide. His legacy seemed slightly tarnished for ten years, but only fully shoved into the closet after his final moral lapse when he pulled the trigger.
Why is a suicide victim's memory overshadowed by their death? As I said, I believe it is due to our fallen nature. We more easily recall the negative, and naturally focus on the negative, than on the positive.
I believe the same thing happens when a relationship ends among the living. People happily married for years, who end up divorcing, tend to remember their spouse as the sorry individual they divorced rather than the wonderful person they enjoyed for so long. Friends who part on bad terms remember not the love that once united them but the issue that divided them. People who leave a church focus on they ways they believe they were hurt, rather than the eternally mattering things in which they were helped. A former pastor is remembered as "that guy who did..." rather than that man God used to win souls, restore and strengthen marriages and families and change many lives for the better.
I am not excusing divorce, division or the immorality or pride leading up to any of these things, any more than I am excusing suicide. I am just saying that the individuals involved in any of these are so much more than the single event (or series of related events) that wrongly comes to define them. They are complex people with many victories, defeats and draws in their own life's battles. They are people no more wicked and no more righteous than any other, apart from Christ. They are people who CAN be remembered and cherished for their victories, even if their defeats are more prominent and recent in our minds. We can celebrate their "life" without focusing on the manner of their "death."
This is part of overcoming the world. This is part of rejecting worldly lusts. This is part of renewing our minds. This is part of being thankful.
Be thankful for those wonderful people that once mattered so much in your life, even if they no longer do.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
I Don't Mean to Be Mean
Bluegrass song for female vocal
Words and music by Victor E. Mowery
October, 2014
Your letter arrived with postage due
And then you called collect,
To beg of me to marry you.
Hey, what did you expect?
I don't mean to be mean,
But just look at yourself.
You're bouncing checks.
You've wrecked your health.
Tuck in your shirt
And wash your jeans.
Look, I'm just sayin'.
I don't mean to be mean.
Your car's a mess, just like your life,
But you still wonder why
The only girl who'd be your wife
Just dee-vorced her sixth guy.
I don't mean to be mean,
But just figure it out.
You look like Jabba
And smell like trout.
Go brush your teeth.
And floss between.
Hey, I'm just sayin'.
I don't mean to be mean.
Your disability check don't look so great
When you're paying on your pawn.
Or your rent-to-own, ripped leather sofa set
When it's kicked out on your lawn.
I don't mean to be mean.
But just pay your way.
Why's it so hard
To get to work each day?
Pay real bills first
With hard-earned green.
Man, I'm just sayin'.
I don't mean to be mean.
I told your mom to stop bailing you
Out of that jail downtown.
She's the reason you're like you are.
She's raised Bozo the Clown.
I don't mean to be mean.
But it's time to get real.
You have no future.
You never will.
You think your life
Is a drama scene.
Look, I'm just sayin'.
I don't mean to be mean.
Hey, it's just worth sayin'.
Don't mean to be mean.
Friday, October 10, 2014
The Closing Passage as America's Glory Fades?
The closing passage of the Old Testament describes the sad situation in Israel just before God goes silent.
Does it not also describe the current sorry situation in our own wicked nation? Will God's response be similar? How can God continue to bless America when we call evil good and good evil?
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
For the Record, I Do Not Intend to Run
A run such as has been suggested (or left completely unsaid) is very time and energy consuming. It takes its toll on the mind, emotions and even the body. It can be very costly as well, even in ways other than financially. After three microseconds (give or take but probably less) of serious consideration and deliberation, and (zero) consultation with (completly un)trusted advisors, I feel such a run is not in my best interests at this time.
I do not intend to run in 2014, 2015 or 2016, though circumstances may (but most likely won't) change. I will leave my options open whether to run (or not) at some point in the future.
Thank you for your support (or lack of support) in this matter and your respect (or disdain) for my decision not to run. I hope this statement clears up any confusion that probably did not exist on the matter of my running.
Victor Mowery, Non-Runner(-at-this-time)
Monday, September 29, 2014
Full Victory (original song)
Washed by the Lamb and whiter than snow.
Nailed to the cross.
Hung firm on the tree.
No sin can hinder God's full victory.
The accuser can stand there and slander my soul.
My destruction and downfall are his purpose and goal.
That old dirty devil
Has got nothing on me.
For Jesus has purchased God's full victory.
Sometimes I wonder why God is so good.
Unworthy, undeserving, in the mire I stood.
I fell on my knees
When Christ came to me.
He opened my eyes to His full victory.
Like the runaway prodigal, down in the dumps.
I was stuck in the pig stye and eating the husks.
I came home to Father
He put His robe upon me
He gave me His ring and full victory.
Now I am living and learning to lean.
With Jesus my Prophet, my Priest and my King.
He is my Saviour.
His blood washes me
With continuous cleansing for full victory.
-- Words and music by Victor E. Mowery, 9-29-2014.
Friday, September 26, 2014
No More Pants On Fire
I suppose it still happens every once in a while these days, but you don't hear about it much. The news press usually writes it up as "spontaneous combustion." Spontaneous my foot! Somebody told a lie! And I don't mean a joke or a "little white lie" (still wrong) to spare someone's feelings. They told a malicious lie against somebody else and there was immediate retribution!
Like I was tellin' ya, kids, it don't happen much any more. But this used to be pretty normal. And when we saw somebody with their pants on fire, we had a special social ritual. It was an important part of the cultural etiquette of the day. All together, everyone who heard the lie and witnessed the resulting pants aflame would chant or sing the following little ditty:
"Liar, Liar. Pants on fire. Beat your butt with a telephone wire."
This chant was an important aspect of the culture of that time. It reinforced the fact that lying has severe consequences. Sure, we could all see the consequences right there. The guy's pants were literally on fire, for crying out loud! But we sang the chant to reiterate WHY his pants were on fire, and that we KNEW what he'd said was a lie. And if his pants hadn't caught fire and somebody believed him, there were even worse consequences that could never be escaped. That's what the chant meant.
I am told that back before people wore pants, back in the robe days, their noses grew instead when they lied. I don't know what the chant was then. Those records did not survive the Dark Ages. The invention of pants is what brought the world out of that dark time, by the way. The pantaloons on fire rule was so new and unknown that there were britches fires everywhere lighting things up, so they had to stop calling it the Dark Ages and started calling it the Enlightenment.
Anyway, lots of records from the Dark Ages were burnt up by all the pants fires, until people finally figured out that it was all the lies causing it, so they got it under control. Thankfully the Gutenberg printing press didn't burn and so they could publish a newsletter about the new pants rule and let everybody know to be more careful. Of course the new pants on fire chant didn't take its full form until the telephone wire was invented.
Well finally in America at least, some 30 years ago now, the liberals eventually got involved and got all fired up about how unfair the pants on fire rule was. They started crying about how many nice people lost a good pair of pants, and minimum wage wasn't enough money to keep replacing all these pants, and their constituents can't buy pants with food stamps, and the "Big Pants" corporations were making unfair profits, and Social Security was somehow in danger due to the pants on fire rule (I never understood that one), and the nation's court cases are being delayed because all these lawyers are busy putting out fires right there in the court room, and how dangerous all these pants fires were, even though nothing else ever seemed to burn except those Dark Ages records and the occasional bridge. Those bridges usually needed burning anyway. I guess at the heart of it, the liberals wanted to be able to lie with nobody spotting them. And probably they got tired of their pants burning up right on the TV talk shows and there they are on live national TV in ratty boxer shorts and little pip-squeak liberal, hairy, spindly white legs. So they started passing laws about flame retardant pants. You know, requiring manufacturers to make all their pants fireproof and banning pants that were flammable and all kinds of liberal retard stuff like that. Retarded retardant, I like to call it.
First it was passed in California, but of course it spreads to the rest of the country. You know how that goes. Manufacturers aren't going to make a different product for the most populous state than they do for the rest of the country. Like the CARB compliant gas cans that are totally worthless. CARB stands for "California", "A" something, "R" something, "Baloney." I don't live in California but all they make any more is a California can; so that's what I have to fight with every few weeks just to try to get a little gas in my lawnmower. Same with the pants, and eventually it was a federal law too. So next thing you know, all the pants on the market are fireproof and nobody can tell who's lying and who ain't.
I guess the "spontaneous combustion" that still happens occasionally must be when the liars are wearing those really old pants they dug out of their closet. They forget how things used to be and they tell a lie and POOF!
Well, as I was saying kiddos, it took a while for everybody to get rid of their old pants. But gradually the fires died down and it got to be where nobody could tell who was lying any more. About five years after the flammable pants ban was finally passed nationwide, President Bill Clinton told some lies even under oath and he got away with it legally. So by then, everybody knew fer sher that the whole pants on fire business was a distant memory and people could finally lie without that consequence.
Well some people realized there were still other consequences to lying, and some people didn't. So the people who were honest all along still didn't lie. But the people who had only kept from lying when they were running short on pants could now lie all the time regardless. Their lies didn't even have to wait anymore for the annual pants clearance sale at Monkey Wards, the store where most people bought their pants back then. That store went out of business due to the ban, in fact. Pants sales were in a real slump by the late 1990s and Mr. Monkey and his partner Mr. Wards couldn't find another avenue to make their retailing work. They tried the Electric Avenue but it was shocking how much the pants decline had really affected them and they shut down. Anyway I am getting on rabbit trails and I don't mean to.
So for years after the ban, the school kids continued to chant the ritual at times, but the younger ones never knew it had really been that way at one time. By now, even today's college graduate can't remember ever laughing at a liar with his bleached bell-bottoms or Levi's 501 Blues engulfed in orange and yellow flames.
So it has become harder and harder to spot the liars these days. But there are still ways to tell. In the absence of flaming parachute zipper pants, let me help you spot 'em.
1) The liar will tell you something about somebody else, but will come up with some kind of reason why you shouldn't check directly with that other person. Liar, Liar. Why aren't your pants on fire? By the way, only a dipstick falls for this kind of a lie. But I guess we can all be dipsticks at times, especially when caught off guard or in emotional situations. It sure was easier when their pants just went POOF.
2) The liar will eventually be caught in another lie or series of lies or some kind of dishonest moral issues. This should cause you to doubt or even investigate everything they ever told you previously, at least any negative things about others or positive things about themselves. It's like when a police detective is caught intentionally mishandling evidence. Every case he ever worked before, from the start of his career till now, comes up for review and many old convictions get thrown out. Police pants on fire are serious! But remember, they don't catch on fire any more. So you have to watch for these character issues and then evaluate what people have told you, maybe even from years ago. Mighta been lies. Just sayin'.
3) Remember that liars have an agenda. Would the person telling you this information somehow benefit from you believing it? Has there been a whole series of statements from them, especially over a short period of time and especially about the same general subject or situation, that all fit that criteria? In the absence of flaming back pockets, you'd still better verify everything on your own.
4) The liar tends to get upset or take it personally when questioned. Clarifying the truth should never personally offend someone, since real truth belongs to everyone. But the lie belongs to them personally; it is their beloved creation. So your question is a personal affront to them. You ask your question and you can see it in their eyes -- they remember how the flames used to feel on their flabby backside. Yank that telephone wire right out of the wall and start to whooping!
5) Remember that a person who WON'T lie will turn out to be a CONSISTENT lover of truth. You will find them zealous to clarify things they've said, even if they simply THOUGHT you misunderstood or it wasn't clear. You will find them doing this even if their clarification would lessen the impact of their statement or not go to their best interests. Someone who never does this is either the world's greatest communicator, or is at a minimum dishonest enough to knowingly let unintentional misunderstandings remain if it suits them. Their underpants at least should have some char marks when hung out on the clothesline, so their neighbors can see and be wary of them.
Well, with today's fashions, maybe the ban on flammable pants isn't such a bad thing now. I don't know what would happen with all these crazy naked yoga pants and shorty short shorts if these folks were lying. Some of these people can have a quarter in their back pocket and their pants are so tight you can look and tell whether their quarter is heads or tails. But that's a different story.
So remember, always look up before climbing...
Sorry, Lemme try again.
So remember, there are serious consequences to lying. You may keep your pants, but you might lose your friends, loved ones and even your family. You will definitely lose a piece of your integrity with every lie. Those are the consequences for you, but your lie also brings devastating consequences to others.
Also remember that even without the hilarious pants explosions we used to see and enjoy, there are still ways to spot the lies and the lying liarheads that tell 'em.
So be careful out there, kiddies. There's a liar somewhere just waiting to play someone. Will it be you that gets played?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Live to 100?
Friday, September 5, 2014
But For the Grace
Things that people did,
Back when I was a kid...
"But that was thirty years ago!" they say.
Yes, it was. And I was ten.
And what I learned was sometimes sin.
Thirty years ago or more,
But yesterday to me,
Because it molded me to always be
Someone perhaps exactly like he,
But for the grace of One greater.
Lack of character, someone once displayed,
Back when my character was being made...
"But that was in the past, so how
Did it affect you so much now?"
I did not say that it always did.
I only said that it always could.
But for the grace of One greater.
They weren't as aged then as I am now,
And doubtless none the wiser.
I wonder if struggling in their same shoes,
I'd be the same occasional compromiser?
Things that people said,
Back when every word possessed my head...
"I didn't mean it that way." I know.
Not for a fight do I bring it to light.
But for lessons learned to keep my OWN self right.
For I could pass to my own the exact same plight,
But for the grace of One greater.
They didn't have then what I have now,
And surely weren't as grounded.
But I wonder if, looking through their eyes,
My own faith would be confounded?
Wondrous love the same people showed
Despite my flaws or theirs...
Yes forty years and more, till now.
Shining through any pain or sorrow.
Bursting beyond all scars, wounds or wrongs.
Enough to always last through another tomorrow.
Only through the grace of One greater.
Lessons the same people taught
From experience or Holy Writ...
"That was my intent." Amen!
A valiant job was done.
The Lord made up any lack.
The teacher wasn't the only one.
There was always the grace of One greater.
They have now what I want then,
A wisdom so compelling.
Are such rights and wrongs and wounds required
For such wisdom's great excelling?
Perhaps. Or just the grace of One greater.
Lord Jesus, help me to love as I have been loved, and to learn from the mistakes of others who have always loved me as well as they could. Help me to treat with understanding grace those whose errors I am in constant danger of repeating in my own right. Move me to always hold in reverential fondness those same ones, whose many victorious triumphs I am still trying to attain to. Help me to realize that only through Your grace can they or I overcome who we are (or were) and rather be who You want us to be. Help me to view all in that light, always seeing the glorious potential in Christ of those I love. Help me to remember the past not as the prison or pattern of my future, but as lessons to be learned, dissected, gleaned from and passed on, always without dishonor to any. Teach me to put these lessons into practice; and then may Your grace cover over the mistakes and make up the deficiencies of my imperfect application of them, as it always has before. Help me to remember my frailty and weakness as a signpost by which to embrace the humanity of others and to focus on the Lordship and perfections of Christ, looking unto Him as the Author and Finisher of my faith and the faith of those I love. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Victor E. Mowery
September 4, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
God's Love Is Evident in Creation
The following wonderful essay is by David W. Cloud and was published on his mailing list August 29th, 2014. I found it very encouraging and faith-confirming and share it here.
GOD'S LOVE EVIDENT IN CREATION (Friday Church News Notes, August 29, 2014,, 866-295-4143) - The Bible says, "God is love," and His love is seen in the blessing He bestowed on man in the beginning. God made man in His own image, fashioned for him an amazing body, gave him great intelligence, placed him in a beautiful garden, gave him a perfectly suitable life-mate, made him the lord of the earth, and provided him with everything he needed for sustenance and pleasure. God filled the world with fresh air to breath, pure water to drink, delightful things to eat, lovely sights and beautiful sounds and wonderful smells. He made the rich soil and a bewildering variety of vegetation to grow in it. He provided insects to pollinate man's crops and worms and bacteria to aerate the soil. God made a multitude of types of lovely trees for shade, food, and ten thousand other uses. He filled the earth beneath with minerals and ores. God gave man a tongue and a mind and a voice by which to communicate his thoughts and an expressive face by which to communicate his feelings. God gave man a brain that is the wonder of the created world. God gave man eyes, with two million working parts, that can distinguish 10 million different colors and can see the light of a single candle at a distance of a mile. God gave man a nose that can smell more than one trillion different odors and can remember 50,000 different ones. God gave man ears that can hear the faintest whisper to the loudest thunder and can distinguish between hundreds of thousands of different sounds. When responding to very weak sounds, the ear drum vibrates less than the diameter of a single molecule. God gave man hands that that can play the 88 keys of a piano, lift a tiny, fragile bird egg or a 100-pound stone, turn the pages of a book, or build a house. God gave man a sense of touch via his amazing skin, four square inches of which contains 9,000 nerve endings, 36 heat sensors, and 75 pressure sensors. God gave man a heart that beats 100,000 times per day and circulates six quarts (5.6 liters) of blood throughout the body three times every minute. God gave man 60,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries to carry the blood to every part of his amazing body. This is more than twice the distance around the earth. God gave man kidneys that filter 50 gallons of blood each day through 140 miles of tubes and millions of filters. God created friendship and laughter and marriage and children. He put the giggle in the child, the song in the songbird, the antics in the monkey, the beauty in the butterfly, and the glory in the sunset. All of this is evidence of God's great love. Let the world deny, reject, and even mock God if it will. I praise Him in Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Upside Down Policy on Israel ... and More
Why is it that if Russia fires rockets into the Ukraine, who is not even our ally, to defend people that democratically voted to join Russia, we tell the rest of the world to stand against Russia; but if a terrorist squatter state fires rockets into Israel, our best ally and the only democracy in that region, we tell Israel not to do anything to "destabilize" the situation?
Is it just me, or are both of these policies totally upside down?
Is it just me, or has our policy on Israel been upside down since about January 20th, 2009? Or for that matter our policy on Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lybia, Egypt.....?
Why didn't we tell the Palestinian Authority (PC code-word for the PLO) not to do anything to "destabilize" things when they considered letting Hamas have a legitimate share in their government? Whatever little stability there was would surely go out the door then.
Why didn't we tell the "Arab Spring" uprisers not to destabilize things and not to throw out governments that had been peaceful and stable for decades? Or was that all really Obama / CIA plans that have now all backfired in a big way? Did we do anything to "destabilize" those situations?
Is it just me, or is it about time to destabilize the unconstitutional situation in our own nation and restore the republic our forefathers entrusted to our care?
Maybe it's just me. I'll stop ranting now and go back to bed with my dreams. I'll go back into the bunker with your crazy uncle where we both belong. Carry on with your day and enjoy your couch and your soothing TV shows that keep you from caring. Catch up on the latest antics of Kim Kar-what's-her-name or whatever it is that occupies your fancy. I apologize for the interruption to your comfort zone. It was just little ol' me in one of those spells I get.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Purified Seven Times?
Psalms 12:6 - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Notice in this verse, it is the SILVER that is purified seven times, and then God's words, which already "are pure words" from the start, are compared to this purified silver. It is NOT God's word that is purified in this verse. How could it have ever been impure?
The comparison or parallelism in the verse is easy to figure out, if you just think about it. The silver is pure. God's word is also pure. The silver has been "tried" or proven to be pure, through putting it to the test of fire. God's word has also proven pure through every test, and never fails.
The English grammar of the verse is also simple. There are two clauses. The subject of the first clause is God's words. This is everything up to the colon. The subject of the second clause, after the colon, is silver. You cannot take "purified..." from the second clause and pull in the noun from the first clause. Everything after the colon is talking about silver.
Sometimes you will hear a rather ignorant argument about the King James Version being the seventh English Bible version, purified through the six prior versions to arrive in its pure state in 1611, as a fulfillment of this verse. This totally misses the verse and makes the "purified seven times" clause apply to the wrong thing. It also defies logic, for how could God's word need to be purified through human processes?
I use and recommend the KJV, by conviction and not simply preference, but I have no tolerance nor need for idiotic arguments such as the above (and many others from the same crowd) to make my case. We can make a case for the KJV and (better yet) the preserved text underlying it without looking like the three stooges, which is exactly what so many resemble when they make outlandish claims about it.
If you're going to promote using the KJV, at least learn how to read and understand what it says before using it to argue your position. Is that too much to ask?
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Five Lessons I've Learned
I have probably been on both sides of each point below, doing the wrong thing or the right. In personal offenses, I have been both the offender and the offended. You probably have too.
I would have benefitted many years ago if someone had shared these lessons with me. So I share them now with other Christians.
1. Just when you are as upset as you can possbly be about what is going on, it is time to realize YOU DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON !!!
You don't know people's motivations behind what they say and do. Don't pretend that you do know; only God can look on their heart and don't put yourself in His place. So you don't know what's going on.
There are also things going on outside of your visibility that affect the part of the situation that you can see. People are having conversations and making plans that you're not aware of. Misunderstandings are forming that you can't correct because you don't even know they exist. So again, you don't know what's going on.
And in the middle of this big "mess" (to our human eyes), Almighty God has a plan, a reason (or many), an intended result, a purpose and a learning lesson for you. He has crafted and worked through all parties involved to bring about His purpose, of which you are completely unaware. So finally, when it gets as bad as it can, you still don't know what's going on.
So how can you get angry / upset / despondent / depressed / whatever about what is taking place, when you don't even know what it is?
Instead you can be thankful that if you respond to everything in God's way, His will is accomplished. Walk in the Spirit. Speak rightly. Give thanks and pray.
2. You don't need to be personally vindicated or justified.
In dealing with personal sins against you by others, the biblical motivation is always restoration of the relationship. Restoration should always be possible as far as you're concerned (Romans 12:18, etc.), but sometimes there is a brother or sister who is what the Bible calls "implacable." It means "not willing to reconcile" and it is listed alongside the most heinous crimes and sins. This is the person who refuses to meet with you face to face to discuss the difficulty or sort out the facts. This is the person who claims to be offended but won't tell what the offense is; or who is offended but claims not to be. Implacable.
In such a case, it can be easy for your flesh to change your motivation. Since reconciliation becomes impossible, self vindication or justification becomes tempting. It doesn't seem wrong, since you're not lashing out or slandering, you're just trying to "say your peace" or get your point across or defend your actions. But if it wouldn't lead to reconciliation, what is the point? Just to clear your name?
That is totally unbiblical and your actions and words with that motivation will make everything worse. Refuse the temptation to get the last word, or to make your case to others or third parties. The goal is reconciliation. Once that's not possible, its time to stop wasting your energy and move on.
Really, what is behind anything else you could say or do? Just your own pride, that's all. That's not a motivation that will stand at the Judgment Seat.
3. Don't play the stupid "prove yourself" game.
Jesus said that when your brother says "I repent" that you forgive him. In context, He speaks of a brother that repents multiple times in the same day. So it is clear that forgiveness is immediate. Yes, trust may take time to rebuild, but forgiveness and restoration of fellowship, show of love, etc., is NOW.
Understand that it takes time for someone to change longstanding patterns, time for them to learn what all contributes to their issues, time for them to sort through the various (and sometimes contradictory) counsel they are receiving. Meanwhile, their simple indication of repentance and their starting on the road to victory, however small their steps, these are enough to receive them into the enjoyment of unhindered Christian love and fellowship that they previously had.
(Obviously I am talking here about time to change their attitudes, mindsets, speaking habits, public demeanor and the like that go into personal offenses between brethen. Outright sins of immorality require a clean break).
The offending brother who repents is glad to have the burden lifted and to now be on the road to victory. But the offended party might view this brother's new-found joy as rather a non-chalant attitude about the sin or offense. That is, they might view it that way *IF* they haven't truly forgiven him yet. If they are taking the "wait and see" or "prove yourself" attitude, everything the brother does comes under intense scrutiny and there is bound to be more fault found. This is not a recipe for reconciliation but for more hurt.
If a person has truly forgiven, then they can SHARE in the joy that comes from finally being on the road to victory, not SCORN it.
Don't play wait and see. Get the issues out in the open and discuss them completely and commit to help each other heal.
To the repentant brother, I also say don't play along with this stupid game. If somebody is doing a "wait and see" on you, don't let it steal your joy. Don't cater your actions to them to try to prove yourself. Their attitude already shows that you will never measure up. They are looking closely for your next trip-up. Just serve the Lord, draw close and walk with Him. You didn't repent of that, even if they seem to think you should have! More on that later.
4. Don't think because you have "moved on" that others have.
This is the flip side of the prior point. Sometimes the waiting game is played or an offense between brethren isn't dealt with for a long time. Then if it is brought up to the offender later, he or she says something like, "Why are we still talking about that when it happened so long ago?"
You're still talking about it because you didn't talk about it enough back when it happened, Dummy! I hate to point out the obvious, so don't be a knuckle head.
There is no statute of limitations on dealing with personal offenses. You don't get off the hook just because it's been six months or however long.
Maybe the offended brother tried to let love cover it but finally realized it needed to be dealt with. Maybe he first thought he misunderstood but now realizes he didn't or wants to be sure. Maybe he let it go then but now sees it as a pattern in you and his concern is with helping you.
Whatever the reason, whether or not he should have brought it up before, he is bringing it up now and it is obviously an issue for him so it needs to be one for you. Deal with it together. Don't weasel out because you thought you got away with it for so long.
5. Don't let anybody stop you from serving the Lord or ministering to others or sharing the lessons you've learned.
I alluded to this in a prior point but I will expand on it here.
You might have repented of this or that. You might have even resigned a ministry in order to focus on getting things right and regaining lost trust.
But you did not resign from being a Christian, studying the Bible, faithfully attending church, helping others, and trying to serve where you can, whether cleaning toilets or spreading the Gospel.
You did not repent of being able to share joys, concerns or prayer requests. You did not resign from being able to say "Amen" when the preaching hits home. You did not forfeit your right to view your church home as a refuge from the world and spend time there. You did not lose your responsibilities to uphold the church membership covenant and help other members.
If you come under formal church discipline, there should be specific expectations laid out, maybe with certain things off-limits. But otherwise you have all the same rights and responsibilities as every other church member and anyone denying you these has now become the offender.
You don't need to put on sackcloth and sit in ashes with tears until somebody else thinks you've paid your dues. Understand that part of your recovery is going to be focusing on working for Christ. Don't expect to take on a new ministry or new formal responsibility while you're working through issues. But don't draw back from being the best church member and Christian you can be at this stage of your life.
If it bothers somebody that you're trying to live like a Christian should while you sort through your issues, that is a sign that person probably will not end up reconciling with you after all. They already show they are implacable. They don't even want to think that a scoundrel like you could be used by God. Not only is that not your problem, but there's nothing you can do about it. So don't let them stop you from pressing toward the mark.
(And by the way, you're probably not the right person that can help them with their new attitude problem. Oh well. You can love them anyway.)
Maybe some young Christians will read this and avoid some of the mistakes the rest of us have made.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Should Christians "Attack" Other Christians?
First of all, let's refuse to play the world's word-twisting games
Pointing out error is not an "attack" or "hatred." Calling it that is the game the world plays to try to publicly discredit Christians who take a faithful stand. Whether it is those from the homosexual agenda pointing out "hate" in Christians who speak against sin, or whoever it is, this is deception from the devil. God's people should have no part in furthering the lie that truth cannot be proclaimed publicly because some may be offended. The truth always offends those who are not lovers of truth. A Christian proclaiming truth should expect to be shouted down by the devil's crowd, but it is a sad day when other believers don't want to stomach it either. Let's not join the world and do the devil's work alongside his crowd.
Instead, A Christian who is in error but has the attitude of the psalmist in Psalm 119:128 will never bristle at the truth or think it is an attack; they will realize what is in error and try to correct it: "Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way." Notice also this biblical hatred is toward the false way, not toward a person. And it is based not on personal opinion but the attitude that whatever God says is absolutely correct, period.
Proclaiming truth and contrasting it with error is not an attack. But what is it?
Secondly, let's understand the reason for proclaiming truth
The point of proclaiming truth and contrasting it with error is to (a) encourage the faithful to stay faithful and (b) encourage the unfaithful to get faithful. It is not about attacks or trying to hurt anyone. It is a part our biblical duty to one another to keep each other in line.
Considering the fact that who a person spends time with affects who they are becoming (I Corinthians 15:33, etc), it is extremely important for Christians to choose wisely whom to be with. This includes probably most importantly which church they join or attend (and its denomination as a whole), since this is where they are receiving their discipleship and Christian training. For that reason, proclaimers of truth have to necessarily, at times, contrast truth with the errors (either bad doctrines or bad practices) of certain churches. It is not about denominational wars. It is about loving the truth and loving God's people enough to give them the truth.
It even becomes necessary at times to point out errors within one's own fellowship. A faithful proclaimer of truth will not shy away from speaking the truth regarding issues affecting his own denomination, church, association or circle of fellowship.
Again, this is not an attack but an exhortation for God's people to be on their guard against error. In Galatians 2:11 and following, Paul says he had to rebuke Peter publicly for Peter's error. He did not attack Peter. He helped Peter see the error. But the concern was not only for Peter, but also for those influenced by Peter. So the point is not just the erring brother, but those who can be dragged into error likewise.
If a lover of truth points out, "that group of churches produces believers with a certain kind of character flaw," it is not an attack against that group of churches. It is a warning to others that maybe that group of churches is not the ideal place to raise their families, get their discipleship, mold their own Christian character, etc. This is "speaking the truth in love" out of love and concern for others.
Finally, let's not play the "holier-than-thou" trump card
To stand and loudly proclaim truth and contrast it with error is not to stand and say "I am perfect." If a person has to be perfect in order to speak the word of God, then we wouldn't have the Bible, or any churches or pulpits, or any Christian literature.
Proclaimers of truth know their own weaknesses and they battle sin every day. Lovers of truth know they must follow Galatians 6:1 - "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted."
Notice who is to to help restore the brother in error: "ye which are spiritual." Having just explained the fruit of the Spirit in chapter five, it becomes clear that somone helping the brother in error is supposed to do so while walking in the Spirit and having the fruit of the Spirit on display while the truth is given out. Such a brother is aware that he has nothing good in himself or in his own sinful flesh. He has nothing to offer the erring brother except God's truth. He is not pointing at himself and saying, "Look at me, I am so great." He is humbly pointing at God's word and saying, "Won't you join me in trying to uphold this together?"
Holier-than-thou? Not the lover of truth. But the lover of truth knows God is holy, holier than ALL. This God has told His people to be holy as well. To do that, they need to know the truth and they need to beware of error. How can they keep from falling into error if there are not faithful watchmen willing to help?
Pointing out error should not be the thrust of anyone's ministry. But proclaiming truth HAS to be the focus, and whenever and wherever truth meets error, these lines should be clearly and unmistakably drawn. It is not an attack or a holier-than-thou diatribe. It is the truth. Lovers of truth have no issue with that.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Outline of Philippians
The four themes, as outlined below are:
Chapter 1 - Think Rightly About the Gospel
Chapter 2 - Develop the Form of a Servant
Chapter 3 - Stand Fast
Chapter 4 - Hold a Proper Christian Attitude
Together these are "Elements of Vital Christian Living" and form the basis for living a vibrant Christian life regardless of the circumstances around us.
Some have said that "joy" is the theme of Philippians. Joy and rejoicing are represented very well in the book, appearing 18 times in only 4 short chapters, written ironically from prison. However, what I see is that this joy and rejoicing is but a part of the overall Christian experience. I am making a note in my Bible, "Joy in Philippians is not the main course, but is sprinkled like salt in every bite."
Philippians stands alone, unique among Paul's epistles to churches. It was not written to teach doctrine, like Romans and Ephesians. It was not written to correct any moral problems, like Corinthians and Thessalonians. It was not written in response to false doctrine, like Galatians and Colossians. Instead it was written to a normal, thriving church that was already moving in the right direction. If Paul were on earth today writing letters to churches, the most sound and solid of Bible-believing churches could receive a letter just like Philippians. For that reason, such a church should study it diligently and gain from it all that it might. While we learn much from Corinthians or Galatians for example, we still have to (hopefully) say, "It wasn't meant for a church like ours; by the grace of God let us not become such a church." But when we study Philippians, we instead have to say, "It was meant for a church JUST like ours! Let us gain from it all its wonderful riches!"
Starting next week, I will be attempting to teach through Philippians for the second time in my ministry. The first time through ten years ago, teaching to a group of senior high school boys and girls, was my first ever public teaching ministry in a church. I studied very diligently, but I mainly had to follow the printed 13-week lesson plan provided by a Sunday School publisher, since the kids were studying that. This time, I was asked by my pastor to teach a Bible study to (mainly) adults and I will follow the outline of Philippians that I have developed in my own mind over years of thought on the book. I finally put my outline on paper recently and it still needs to be fleshed out more, but I will share it here in its current form.
As I teach through the book, I plan to post my lesson plans and detailed outlines here as well, or over at my preaching blog, and I will also be sharing my Bible's margin notes, old and new, over at my wide margin Bible note-takers' blog.
Here is my (current) outline of Philippians. The next time you read through Philippians, you may be able to correlate this outline and see how these points seem to sum up the message of each chapter and section. In thinking through the book this way, I think we can gain much from this outstanding little letter to a faithful church.
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians
Outline by Victor E. Mowery, 2014
I. Think Rightly About The Gospel – Chapter 1
A. Our Fellowship in the Gospel – 1:1-11
B. God’s Sovereignty in the Gospel – 1:12-18
C. Conduct Becoming of the Gospel – 1:19-30
II. Develop The Form of a Servant – Chapter 2
A. The Servant’s Heart – 2:1-4
B. Jesus: Servant of No Reputation – 2:5-11
C. The Philippians: Servants of No Rebuke - 2:12-18
D. Timothy: Servant of No Equal Peer – 2:19-24
E. Epaphroditus: Servant of No Self-Regard – 2:25-30
III. Stand Fast – Chapter 3 (3:1-4:1)
A. Stand Fast to Stay Safe! – 3:1-3
1. Safe in the Tried & True Doctrine, v. 1
2. Safe Against Teachers of Works Salvation, vv. 2-3
B. Stand Against Exaltation of Flesh and Self – 3:4-11
C. Stand Fast in the Journey to Christ-likeness – 3:12-16
D. Stand Fast in the Heavenly Mindset – 3:17-21
1. Follow the Right Example, v. 17a
2. Mark and Reject the Wrong Example, v. 17b-19
3. Keep An Eye on the Sky, for our Redemption Draweth Nigh ! v. 20-21
E. Stand Fast in the Lord – 4:1
IV. Hold a Proper Christian Attitude – Chapter 4
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The Land of Libertia Revolts Against the Revolting
In the great land of Libertia,
There was a fine man in Principia
Who all his life his living made by craft.
He painted canvas, carved up stone,
Frescoes, sculptures, fabric sewn;
If art was ever needed, he was asked.
He loved this country, his great land,
For rights protected made it grand.
Of certain freedom there was never doubt.
The liberty this, the right of that,
Protected, written, inviolate.
No law could mock, no court case e'er stamp out.
Above all rights stood one supreme,
The one by which this man could dream,
And turn his dreams to artwork by his hand.
This same right protected Press,
Speech, Religion, all the rest.
'Twas this same right which made such happy land.
But into this great happy place
Rode a band, a great disgrace,
Spewing hatred, spouting vile lies.
No one liked their vicious slander,
But they had the right, you will remember.
A right on which all freedom lives or dies.
Our gentle artist met this band
In his shop, their coin in hand.
They asked him, "Would you paint a gruesome scene?"
"Hate and vile, I won't do it!
Get you hence and see ye to it!
Leave me out, my conscience must be clean!"
That's where this story should've ended,
But these wicked fellows were offended.
"Get a judge, we will, you selfish pig!"
And get a judge, they did, oh my!
With one deaf ear and one blind eye,
In long black robe with long white powdered wig.
"This is awful," I heard him say.
"You can't refuse them, there's no way.
You violated all their civil rights.
"You must paint and you must carve,
Whatever they want, no extra charge.
You must work long days and even longer nights."
This judment echoed through the air
Till none was free and naught was fair
And one day people found that they were slaves.
There didn't seem to be escape
As each new judge more rights would rape.
But the artist took to hide in mountain caves.
For twenty years he carved and painted
While down below the people fainted.
Their rights were gone, their spirits beaten down.
One spring day when mount snow thawed,
The slaves looked up and all were awed,
For spread across the range was Artist's work.
After twenty years it came together,
A bold sign made to break their fetters.
Upon each single mountain peak one word.
"Forced speech is not free," it said.
In bold blue letters, offset in red.
There upon the mounts for all to see.
Reminded! "Yes, we had some rights!
"We let them go without much fight.
For rights of others seemed to stifle me.
"It was not like that at one time.
My rights, your rights, all were fine.
We remember how we all behaved.
"Your rights ended where mine began.
Likewise mine where you would stand.
No one was made to be another's slave.
"Off with shackles! Off with chains!
We will rise up, our rights reclaim!
We will take back our land of Libertia."
And so it was the folk revolted.
The judges fled. The king, he bolted.
And freedom came again to Principia.
Now you may think this tale a fool,
But open eyes, remove the wool.
For this same thing has happened in your nation.
A man with camera forced to shoot;
Cake decorators have to pretend it's cute.
The rights we've lost were once our proud foundation.
Far too long we quipped and quibbled,
While at the roots the termites nibbled.
Far too much we failed to hold a line.
And now our chickens are home to roost.
Our situation is self-induced.
For we looked the other way and said, "We're fine."
With chains tight now, the gag's in place.
The "rights" of others won the race.
Is there any hope to set things straight?
I wonder if a Patrick Henry,
A Washington or a John Jay, any,
Founding Fathers would think it now too late.
Victor Eugene Mowery
June 12, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Got the News a A Pastor Resigned
By the time I heard that Pastor Paul Brooks resigned from the ministry of First Baptist Church of Raytown, MO, it was already old news. The blogger I linked above kind of summarizes my feelings, except for one thing. That blogger is praying for others in the situation, but I guess he didn't say he was praying for Paul Brooks, so I will say that I am. And I thank God for his ministry.
The ministry of Pastor Paul Brooks was instrumental in my life. I never met him or attended a service there, but I watched his services faithfully on television for several years while I was out of church. This would have been the late 1990s into very early 2000s. Of all the decent preachers on television at the time (and there were very few then and even fewer now), Paul Brooks was the one I appreciated the most. Even the nationally broadcast preachers were not as much help to me as this pastor on local television.
God grew me significantly through the preaching ministry of Paul Brooks. Many positive changes toward godliness in my life at that time were a result of conviction and education I received while watching his TV show every Sunday morning. I even have a scholarly project I've long wanted to undertake as a result of his ministry - publishing a unified Gospel account according to the King James Version, as Paul Brooks did with the NIV.
At a time like this in his life and ministry, I wonder if he would appreciate a note or card in the mail. I think I will attempt to find an address for him, or maybe even a phone number.
The blogger I linked above remembered everyone in the situation except the sinner who brought the situation about. When you're praying for and comforting those hurt by such a situation, don't forget the one who is ultimately hurt the most - the erring brother. I find it interesting the Bible doesn't spend much time telling us how to give proper encouragement to those hurt by the sins of others. But it DOES give very specific instruction to encourage the erring brother who is trying to get right, "lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow." II Corinthians 2:1-11.
This seems to be so often neglected, especially when the erring brother is a pastor or Christian leader. There is some apparent comfort offered for a brief time, but when expectations are not met, usually expectations that have not been voiced and may not even be reasonable, the bitterness that was already beneath the surface boils over.
There is no attempt to understand what the brother is dealing with; there is no graciousness; there is just backbiting, rampant gossip, finger-pointing and overactive fault-finding. And all this toward a man who, though he was just a man with feet of clay and the same sinful nature as all others, tried to fulfill his call from God to help change lives for the better, and did exactly that for many lives for many years.
God forgive us. Since we humans can't seem to forgive one another...
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Lessons on the Lake
It was a blessing that our family's extremely busy summer dovetailed perfectly with our pastor's likewise busy schedule. Every date that he asked me to preach was available on our otherwise full calendar. I'd say God had that planned. I will be preaching at least six or seven times in the next three months for our church here and I pray to be used as a blessing.
Previously when I've filled in here, I have simply given messages I have on-hand, updated as necessary. This time, I took time off work this week for study and prayer and my intent is to preach from the following outline as the Lord allows.
Two fellow church members from Kansas are visiting with us here and this will be the first time they have heard me preach in over two years. They may hear a repeat in the next week or two, but this message will be fresh for all. May God use it.
"Lessons On the Lake" - Mark 6:45-52 <read here first>
1. JESUS PRAYS (vv. 45-46)
a) Those who are Christlike pray
“You cannot become more Christlike than you are right now, without praying more than you DO right now.”
b) Jesus prays for His own
2. JESUS SEES (vv. 47-48a)
a) Jesus sees the storm
b) Jesus sees our toil and distress
i) He sees when we toil to do His will despite the storm, and He will bless it
ii) He sees when we give up in the struggle and go outside His will, and He will deal with that as well
3. JESUS HEARS (vv. 48-50)
Job 34:28b - he heareth the cry of the afflicted.
Psalm 34:15 - The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.
The study time was a blessing to me again, as God always opens my eyes to so many ways in which we all fall short of what we strive for and preach. Every point in a genuine Christian preacher's outline is relevant to himself, is targeted to his own shortcomings, is exhortation to his own spirit. He preaches to himself all week before he stands in the pulpit to preach the condensed version to others. Praise God for His mercy, grace and longsuffering and for His enablement to rise above our situations and live for Him despite our frailties.
Dear Jesus, Let me not often mistake Your work or forget Your work. And let me always remember and take heart that You pray for me, see me, and hear me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Three Preachers In a Row
Three preachers in a row
Answered the question they couldn't know.
Three sermons back to back
Gave the full answer I thought I lacked.
A visitor comes and a visitor goes.
The church never learns of his or her woes.
But believe me, God knows.
Three churches God would use.
Three pastors Christ would guide.
Three Sundays the Spirit would speak.
Three times a visitor cried.
None ever knew, or ever could learn
Exactly how the Spirit would turn.
None ever knew, directed by the Lord,
How they'd perfectly used the Spirit's sword.
"Please, God, what can I do?
Have I done all I can?"
The loud, simple preacher pounded this:
"Place it in the Lord's hand."
"Please, God, wasn't I right?
Didn't I have clean hands?"
Doctor Eloquent Pastor made his point:
"God defends a righteous man."
"Oh, God, what of my future?
Won't that be in jeopardy, too?"
A loving shepherd read it:
"I know the plans I have for you."
God didn't lead to join.
God didn't lead to stay.
Though He made it very clear
Why He did bring me each way.
Three preachers far apart
All working for the Master.
Moved by God to preach the Word
And give a stranger his answer.
Somehow the lesson spreads
Beyond my problems at that time.
Somehow I think that I was shown
A picture more divine.
Somehow I learned a thing or two
Of how God can work through me.
How many times am I the one
Blindly fulfilling another's need?
"Oh God, I'll let You use me
Whether or not I know.
Please do, I pray. Start today.
Make my account to grow.
Maybe, Lord, I can be just one
Of a stranger's three preachers in a row."
Victor E. Mowery
February 5, 2014